H-anne-MADE in the press...

Issue 47 Uppercase featured a self portrait I did as part of textile.org stitch club

Stitch Magazine
Stitched collage project in this months food theme magazine...
Cocktails anyone???
WHSmith or online

September / October
Life's Little Treasures
In this issue (168) of Be Creative with Workbox I have an article about my work in inspirations.
Available via the website

August / September 2017
Stitch Magazine. If you would like to have a go at one of my stitched collages then there is a project in issue 108 of Stitch magazine.Available at WHSmiths or via the website

May / June 2017
Be...Creative with Workbox magazine
Harold is a feature of the gallery in this edition of the magazine
Winter 2017
Blooming Brooches. A set by set guide to making one of my fabric brooches