This kit brings together Anne's love of paper, books and stitch. In the tin are the componets to create your own mini stitched paper book. Book size 7cm by 7cm with 9 signatures (folded pages)
Included in kit (note colours vary from tin to tin)
- Anne's paper jig tool & pierce tool
- Image of suggested stitches for jig tool
- Folded paper signatures for pages
- a variety of paper ephemera
- paper circles for hexis
- fabric and trims
- buttons, press studs & stamps
- bundle of threads
- QR code to a video of examples and techniques you can use.
You will need
- Scissors
- Something to put under the jig to press tool into (wool mat / card)
- Sewing kit
- Any other paper / fabric / embellishments you wish to add to your book
- Strip of paper for the spine
Optional extras if you have them
- Craft knife
- Hole punch
- Stamps / letter stamps
Book in a tin kit